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Pinball FX Wiki

System Shock is the first table to be released simultaneously as DLC for both Pinball M and Pinball FX, released on Febuary 15th, 2024 with cross-buy capabilities for all platforms excluding Steam at launch. The machine is based on the 2023 remake of System Shock, an influential first-person adventure game, taking visual influence from the game's Medical level. The player takes on the role of a hacker who has been assigned to Citadel Station, where they must take on SHODAN, a rogue AI being that controls the station.

Version Differences[]

  • The Pinball M version features gore and blood
  • The Pinball FX version features no gore and replaces the blood with yellow paint


  • Evil AI Unplugged
    • Defeat SHODAN in the final Cyberspace battle on the System Shock Pinball table.
  • Self-Destruction Initiated
    • Collect all self-destruct code digits on the System Shock pinball table.
  • Cyborg Hunt
    • Eliminate at least 3 cyborgs on the System Shock pinball table.


To gain access to the final battle against SHODAN, four objectives listed on the playfield must be completed. Some of the objectives require multiple steps to accomplish, and all are started at different areas of the playfield. The highest shot values from each objective are added into the wizard jackpot scored for each SHODAN hit during the wizard mode.

  • Laser (Video Mode): The player must jack into cyberspace to fire the Citadel's mining laser at them, essentially disabling the laser. The "cyberspace shot" is located on the highest platform of the Citadel spiral ramp, and can sometimes be blocked by a Serv-Bot that must be destroyed before the shot can be made. Shoot the cyberspace shot to start video mode.
    • The video mode is played similarly to breakout. Using a paddle controlled with the flippers, the player must bounce a disc into two mines to destroy them. "Laser" is completed, and extra ball is lit, after completing one level of video mode, but the player can play subsequent video mode levels that increase in difficulty, adding guards that deflect the disc and enemies that attack the paddle to slow it down. Every level completed scores 1M more than the last, and the difficulty resets after the wizard mode is played.
  • Groves (Jettison Multiball): Below the Citadel spiral ramp is a rotating cylinder containing nine standup targets and four holes where the ball can be locked. The area can be rotated by shooting the spindisc directly above it. Each standup target hit collects an item and increases the jackpot by 1M, and if all nine targets are hit, the jackpot will be multiplied (ie. one wave of nine targets makes the jackpot 20M, and completing a second wave increases it to 60M). Lock three balls in the cylinder's various holes to start multiball. (If no items have been collected, the jackpot will be a simple 500k award.)
    • Once multiball starts, the balls will be "jettisoned" from the kicker directly below the rotating cylinder. The player can score a jackpot by shooting the flashing hole in the cylinder, then score a super jackpot worth 5x the jackpot value by spinning the spindisc, relighting the jackpot in the process. The process of collecting the jackpot followed by the super jackpot repeats until multiball ends, and extra ball lights after collecting at least one super jackpot.
  • Reactor (Mutants / Security): The player can collect parts of a 6-part self-destruct code for the station by defeating the mutant guarding an elevator at the top right of the table, then shooting the elevator itself. The mutant is spawned by shooting the right orbit three times, at which point the jump ramp at its apex will raise allowing the player to shoot the mutant directly, then kill it with another shot and open the elevator.
    • However, the code won't be given if the security is above a certain percentage (70% for the first code digit, this decreases with later code digits to a minimum of 0%.) To lower the security percentage, the player can either destroy the scanners at the bumpers - the amount of damage dealt to them is determined by spinner hits - or defeat SHODAN's "eyes" with two shots to their targets on the second and highest platforms of the Citadel spiral ramp. Depleting the security percentage to 0% lights extra ball. Every code digit found scores 1M more than the last, and another extra ball can be lit if the player finds three code digits.
    • If the player completes the entire self-destruct code, the "cyberspace shot" will instantly be lit to start the final battle. However, the shot will time out after the 5-minute timer has ran out.
  • Combo (Retinal Scan): To light combos, the player must first start and complete the retinal scan mode. Shoot the right ramp six times to start it, and spawn three special balls onto the playfield (eyeballs on FX, Abe Ghiran's decapitated head on M). Only one of these balls is the "correct" one, which must be shot with the ball for 5M, then shot into the right sinkhole for 2x the value, completing the mode and lighting the ramps for combo. The special balls have floatier physics than the normal steel balls and are tougher to control. Each time the retinal scan is completed, the base value increases by 1M.
    • Scoring a combo is as simple as shooting one ramp (either the left or right ramp), quickly followed by the one on the opposite side. Each combo scores 100k x the length of the combo, with extra ball lighting if a 5-way combo has been scored. Combos are disabled once one has been scored, and retinal scan must be played again to light further combos.

Final Battle (Wizard Mode)[]

Wizard mode is lit at the "cyberspace shot" on the Citadel ramp once the player has completed all four objectives, or for a timed period after the player has completed the self-destruct code described in the reactor section.

The wizard mode is a more difficult version of the standard video mode (see: laser section), where the hacker confronts SHODAN face to face. Both the hacker and SHODAN have 20 health: the hacker loses 1 health if the disc drains past the paddle, and SHODAN loses 1 health if the disc hits her icon. Every hit to SHODAN scores a wizard jackpot worth the total highest shot values from all the objectives described above, with the final SHODAN hit scoring 10x the wizard jackpot, resetting process towards the four objectives for another wizard mode cycle, and putting an end to the AI's evil tendencies.

If the hacker loses all 20 health, the wizard mode will automatically end, but the objectives will still be reset.

Side modes[]

  • Cyborg Attack: Every shot to the left ramp during normal play and without combos running gets the hacker closer and closer to a cyborg assassin. Once six shots have been made, a timed cyborg attack mode will start where the player must shoot the left ramp five more times, with 40 seconds per shot, to defeat the assassin using their shotgun. All the while, the cyborg will be tracking the ball; if it is held still for too long, the cyborg will fire at the ball and send it flying out of control. Each left ramp shot scores 1M more than the last. Completing cyborg attack enables the magna-save at both outlanes, which can be relit via the left standup target. Subsequent cyborg attack completions increase the number of magna-saves that can be stacked at a time.
  • Hacking: Spelling HACK at the return lanes, which cycle with the flippers, activates a short ball saver and lights the right sinkhole for 10 seconds to start the hacking side mode. This untimed side mode challenges the player to make four randomly determined shots to either the Saturn shot or the right sinkhole, each shot scoring 100k more than the last. Completing the hacking side mode increases the bonus multiplier by +1x.

Other scoring / perks[]

  • Skill Shot: The amount of strength applied to the ball from the plunger determines where the ship surrounding Saturn lands. Land the ship on the correct, flashing sector to score a skill shot worth 1M, then quickly follow that up with a shot to the mutant at the right orbit to score a double skill shot. Each skill shot scores 1M more than the last.
  • Ball Saver: Active for 15 seconds at the start of each ball, after the laser video mode has been completed, and at the starts of jettison multiball and retinal scan modes. Lighting the hacking mode activates a 10-second ball saver, and balls that hit the center magnet post and promptly drain are also saved automatically.
  • Magna-Save: Disable the cyborg conversion to activate magna-save. Magna-save is lit at both outlanes once the player has completed a round of the cyborg attack side mode. If the magna-save isn't lit at this time, it can be relit by shooting the far left standup target. Further completions of cyborg attack increase the number of magna-saves that can be stacked.
  • Bonus Multiplier: Complete the hacking side mode to increase the bonus multiplier by +1x. Defeating a Serv-Bot on the upper platform of the Citadel spiral ramp will hold the bonus multiplier to the next ball.
  • Serv-Bots: At the start of the game, a Serv-Bot will always be present on the Citadel spiral ramp's upper platform. Defeat it by hitting it with the ball to hold the bonus multiplier. Additional Serv-Bots can be spawned by hitting them again to send them into the elevator at the back of the platform.
  • Saturn Shot: Shooting the sinkhole near the magnet post causes the ship to orbit around Saturn. Every Saturn sector that the ship passes by adds 10k to the value scored once the sinkhole hit is registered.
  • Extra Balls: Maxed out at 5 per game, and score 5M if disabled. Lit at the right sinkhole from...
    • Completing a round of laser video mode
    • Scoring a super jackpot during jettison multiball
    • Depleting security to 0%
    • Finding three self-destruct code digits
    • Making a 5-way ramp combo


  • Shooting for the citadel spiral ramp is an integral part of the table. The best way to access it is by shooting for either the post directly near the bottom upper right flipper, or the target to the left of it. This will activate a magnet that slowly releases the ball towards the upper flipper, encouraging the player to combo into the spiral ramp. The player can also access the upper flipper by shooting the Saturn shot, but this releases the ball far quicker and misses from this feed can send the ball out of control.
  • As the wizard jackpot is determined by mode performance, the best way to get a massive wizard jackpot is by consistently increasing the jackpot for jettison multiball, but this can be a tough process. At the start of the game, ignore the first lock and shoot for the target next to it; then, rotate the cylinder to the next two standup targets and hit both of them; then spin the cylinder again, hit the target next to the lock, and lock the first ball. Then, hit the rest of the targets as they appear and lock the remaining balls. This will guarantee that at least 100M is added to the wizard jackpot, though the spindisc can be somewhat finicky and can sometimes skip past whole sections of the cylinder.
  • Cyborg attack can be very difficult, but nudge passing makes it slightly easier. After shooting the left ramp, nudge the game very slightly so the ball bounces back to the right flipper. Just make sure you keep the ball moving - you won't have much time to control it unless you want the cyborg firing at the ball and risking a potential drain. Magna-saves are earned by defeating cyborgs and are a lifesaver on this table, as they are the only way to save outlane drains on this table (death saves aren't possible on it).
  • Nudging also comes in handy when recovering balls off the right orbit. Hold up the left flipper, then slightly nudge the table when the ball is directly above the magna-save target. Keep holding up the left flipper and the ball will come to a safe stop on the flipper.


Pinball M
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Pinball FX
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